So, I didn't think when I titled my previous entry "Embracing Pain," that it would prove to be a bit prophetic. Last week after my Saturday 6-mile run, I felt a little sore, like I had strained my right adductor. Hoping for the best, on Sunday, I got dressed and ready for my 10-mile run and tested my leg. I lasted maybe 10 steps. Ouch. Fortunately I was able to see my doc just a few days later and because the pain was different from last November, he suggested physical therapy and then an MRI in a few weeks if the pain persisted. Well, I didn't want to wait two weeks to learn it was worse, so we got the MRI.
Side note: I went to the doc on Wednesday morning, scheduled the MRI for Thursday morning and a follow-up for Thursday afternoon. The MRI lab called Wednesday evening asking to reschedule the MRI because my insurance had not yet "pre-authorized" the procedure. If they don't authorize it, I pay for it all out of pocket. I called my insurance Thursday morning to see what the hold-up was and found out that the "pre-authorization" is actually done by another company contracted by my insurance. So another phone call gave me no new information, except that a decision hadn't been made. I didn't wait and I'm glad I didn't.
I have a stress fracture in my right pelvis, almost in the exact same spot as the stress fracture in my left pelvis last November. Hope the decision makers think it was necessary now. I'm definitely not speechless. Frustrated. More than I've ever been. Feel a little betrayed by my body but know that it's not its fault. So now I need to take 6 weeks off. I can ride the stationary bike in a couple of weeks but doc said if I get in a pool to swim, I need to keep my feet together, so no aqua jogging.
Long story short, I have a flight to Chicago that I may or may not use. The marathon is out. They drew blood to check for vitamin D deficiency. In six weeks, I'm going to undergo a bio-mechanical assessment to see if I'm doing something horribly wrong that's adding extra stress to my body. Even debating changing my flight to Charlottesville, Virginia to go to UVA's Center for Endurance Sport and paying to get the 3D gait analysis assessment. I really want to figure this out. I don't run 100 miles a week, not even half that most weeks. I take multivitamins and eat relatively healthy. I just don't understand. Extremely disappointed.
I just want to run.
Some day, you will be like Forrest Gump - you'll just start runnin' (without the pain, but with the beard)!